
Exploring 21st-century belief

Month: November 2018

What should be the purpose of a religious institution?

We believe in God. But we do not see God as a being actively intervening in our world. We believe that God is, among other things, the Creator force that set the world in motion, and that God calls us, the Creation, towards love. In looking for God in our lives, we believe that the […]

The Timeless Harmony of Nature (Quotation from Clement)

It is dispiriting to hear of fires raging in California, the Great Barrier Reef dying, hurricanes growing in scale and ferocity, coastal flooding, whales moving north, aquifers drying, seasons shifting. In our age of climate change, species loss and competition for scarce resources, we have to up our game and take on the fact that […]

Made in the image of God

What is God’s will for me? How do I take the reins of self-direction on my path? An image appears to me of the unique imprint on me “in the image of God.” Picture a globe, glowing white, with a surface of immense patterned complexity, like a circuit board, or the surface of a brain, […]

A 21st century-viable investigation of ancient sources

Though mainline Christianity is the founding religious philosophy of the United States of America, it is withering on the vine. Americans have been casting about, with Evangelical faith being the dominant direction. But the 21st century will not be kind to orthodox faith of any kind. We need new voices who can create a human […]

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