
Exploring 21st-century belief

Author: Nat Huston (page 2 of 3)

Eastern meditation and western psychology: perspectives from ethics and the science-religion debate

In this paper, I will consider the status of meditation-in-psychology in a larger context, and consider the thought which underlies Eastern meditative practices in the light of ongoing dialogues between science, ethics, and religions and other sorts of metaphysics. My reflections here are fragmentary at best; and I can only hope to catch a sliver […]

Dissolving the boundaries of oppression: oppressed, oppressors, and the challenge of solidarity

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the overturning of oppression would actually work, in concrete terms. Already in that first sentence, we have opened up a number of tricky avenues to navigate. In selecting “oppression” as a theological term, we shall have to relate the meaning of the word to  other concepts […]

Wrestling with ultimacy: review of “A neuropsychological-semiotic model of religious experiences

This paper is a synopsis and review of Wesley J. Wildman and Leslie A. Brothers’ essay,  “A Neuropsychological-Semiotic Model of Religious Experiences,” a richly conceived attempt to provide a methodology that can account for what the authors term experiences of ultimacy. The essay appears in the forthcoming book Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on […]

Defining ‘spirit’ and ‘spirituality’

If I say I believe that spirit is present in everything we do, that will mean different things to different people. I do believe that, but the resulting imprecision and expectation that we each fill in the details for ourselves renders the term about as useful as, anymore, ‘sustainability’. In this territory, there are few […]

Evaluating belief

We don’t get taught what to believe in school. What beliefs we have in us are formed, initially and largely, by other people, each coming from their own human place. We take on their beliefs as our own. We don’t have very good tools to evaluate what we believe or what we ought to believe. […]

A Pseudo-Faith Suited for Our Age

Reader, I offer a pseudo-religion for our time. Its tenets are pretty simple. It’s called a pseudo-religion because you don’t have to actually believe it’s true in order to profess it. You can follow it if you are a dedicated atheist, or alongside a religion which you truly believe. As a follower, you just do […]

Little-known facts about the early Jesus movement

Did you know… … that Jesus was one of thousands of Jews hanged on crosses by the Romans? (hanged by the Romans, not the Jews) … that James, son of Mary, blood brother of Jesus, led the original followers of Jesus, the Jerusalem church, for thirty years after Jesus’s death? … that nobody in the […]

What does it mean to act with climate integrity?

Climate integrity… … is behaving with net-zero ASAP as your highest value … is something that no one can fully succeed at, so therefore we must be reticent about criticizing others or ourselves for our failures … involves changes to behavior – lifestyle, attitudes, consumption choices, diet, mobility, social and political attitudes – … but… […]

What should be the purpose of a religious institution?

We believe in God. But we do not see God as a being actively intervening in our world. We believe that God is, among other things, the Creator force that set the world in motion, and that God calls us, the Creation, towards love. In looking for God in our lives, we believe that the […]

The Timeless Harmony of Nature (Quotation from Clement)

It is dispiriting to hear of fires raging in California, the Great Barrier Reef dying, hurricanes growing in scale and ferocity, coastal flooding, whales moving north, aquifers drying, seasons shifting. In our age of climate change, species loss and competition for scarce resources, we have to up our game and take on the fact that […]

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