
Exploring 21st-century belief

Author: Nat Huston (page 3 of 3)

Made in the image of God

What is God’s will for me? How do I take the reins of self-direction on my path? An image appears to me of the unique imprint on me “in the image of God.” Picture a globe, glowing white, with a surface of immense patterned complexity, like a circuit board, or the surface of a brain, […]

A 21st century-viable investigation of ancient sources

Though mainline Christianity is the founding religious philosophy of the United States of America, it is withering on the vine. Americans have been casting about, with Evangelical faith being the dominant direction. But the 21st century will not be kind to orthodox faith of any kind. We need new voices who can create a human […]

Chrysterie is Christ – mystery – reverie ….

We needed a name that centered on the Jesus path. And we needed a name that acknowledges that mainstream Christians would challenge whether we are Christian at all, and at the same time that simply calling ourselves Christian leads non-Christians to ascribe to us a bundle of beliefs to which we do not subscribe. The […]

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